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My Happy Place Row Along 2018

*That post is bilingual: in English and in Polish (cursive)*
Today is my day in My Happy Place Row Along 2018. Thank you Marian for your hard work and making this event happening now! Please make sure to visit all the bloggers on the schedule (see below the pattern) and to look for giveaways on the end of post! Hurry up as free patterns are available for one week (unless the designer wish to make it free permanently).
Dziś moja kolej na prezentację wzoru w My Happy Place Row Along 2018. Dziękuję Marian za ciężką pracę, dzięki której to wydarzenie się odbywa! Koniecznie odwiedźcie pozostałe projektantki, które prezentują dziś swoje darmowe wzory - cały plan zabawy znajdziecie pod wzorem do pobrania. I nie przegapcie rozdawajek na końcu posta. Spieszcie się ponieważ większość wzorów jest bezpłatna tylko przez tydzień (chyba, że projektantka ustali by pozostał darmowy na stałe)!

My pattern was inspired by beautiful Scottish lighthouse Barns Ness near Dunbar. It's made in foundation paper piecing technique and I would say it's an intermediate pattern easy to do in two evenings.  
The lighthouse was illuminated in 1901 and was operating till 2005. It was constructed by the engineer David A. Stevenson and has typical look for all lighthouses constructed by Stevenson's family: white tower with yellow elements. It's a very special place for me because it's the place where my (and my husband's) love to lighthouses has begun. I love being there and it's my third FPP pattern with Barns Ness Lighthouse.
Mój wzór inspirowany jest przepiękną szkocką latarnią Barns Ness koło Dunbar.Projekt wykonany jest w technice foundation paper piecing i określiłabym go na średnio zaawansowany.
Sama latarnia rozpoczęła pracę w 1901 roku i działała aż do 2005. Zaprojektował ją David A. Stevenson. Wiele szkockich latarni zostało zaprojektowanych przez rodzinę Stevensonów i jest właśnie takich - biała wieża z żółtymi elementami. T0 specjalne miejsce dla mnie ponieważ tam zaczęła się miłość (moja i mojego męża) do latarni morskich. Lubimy tam wracać a to już trzeci wzór tej latarni, który stworzyłam w technice FPP.

Northcott Fabrics is the main sponsor of this event and I would like to send them a huge thank you for sending me the beautiful fabrics to sew my row! If you wish to order the same fabrics you can check them on those links

The sky: Naturescapes - Single Colorway By Deborah Edwards Northcott Studio / 21390-62 about 1/3 LQ
The grass: Naturescapes - Single Colorway By Deborah Edwards Northcott Studio / 21414-74 less than 1/3 LQ
The sea: Naturescapes - Single Colorway By Deborah Edwards Northcott Studio / 21391-42 about 1/3 LQ
Yellow: TOSCANA - 9020 - All, By Deborah Edwards Northcott Studio / 9020-520 about 1/3 LQ
White: TOSCANA - 9020 - All, By Deborah Edwards Northcott Studio / 9020-10 around 1/2 LQ
You need also some scraps in black and grey.
Głównym sponsorem tego wydarzenia jest producent tkanin Northcott Fabrics, dzięki której miałam tak piękne tkaniny na uszycie mojego wzoru! To mój pierwszy raz z tak realistycznymi tkaninami i jestem zachwycona efektem!.

I would like to share this free paper piecing pattern with you. Until the end of year 2018 it will be free and you can download PDF copy of templates: CLICK HERE. Finished block (vertical) size is 30'x12' (76,2x30,5 cm). You will download the file from my Google Drive, inside of it please look for the downloading arrow on the top right corner.
* some of the pages in the paper piecing parts looks like upside down or reversed  because of the software's signature but all the pieces in the file are correct
Po końca 2017 roku darmowy wzór w formie szablonu do Paper Piecing w formacie PDF możecie pobrać TUTAJ - KLIK. Gotowy blok (pionowy) ma 30'x12', czyli w przybliżeniu 76,2x30,5cm. Plik udostępniłam w Google Drive, w środku szukajcie znaczka-strzałki do pobierania plików w prawym górnym rogu.
* niektóre strony wydruku wyglądają jakby były do góry nogami albo odwrócone, ale to z powodu podpisu nadanego przez oprogramowanie i wszystkie części są poprawne 

Other bloggers and their patterns on today schedule:
Dzisiejsze najnowsze posty i wzory:

Time for prizes and giveaways! Please register with Rafflecopter for these specific giveaways. There are two different giveaways and you will find more giveaways on other participating blogs!
Czas na nagrody i rozdawajki! By wziąć udział w rozdawajce trzeba się zapisać przez Rafflecopter wybierając opcję Facebooka albo e-mail.

#1 Countryside Tile Scenes Quilt Block Designs

Worldwide Shipping / Shipping Cost must be paid by winner / Koszt wysyłki pokrywa zwycięzca
Value $99.95
Links To Actual Products Found On Description Page At My Blog
Description can be found here
Starts September 11, 2018 / Ends September 18, 2018
Sponsor page:

#2 Electric Quilt Version 8
Electric Quilt is a event long giveaway that has new entries every
Tuesday and Thursday for you to enter with so you get every chance to win.

Shipping Is Coupon Code Via Email
Value $239.95
Description can be found here:

Sponsor page:

What's coming in next weeks:
Nadchodzące wzory kolejnych tygodni:
Thursday September 13, 2018
Tuesday September 18, 2018
Thursday September 20, 2018
Tuesday September 25, 2018
Thursday September 27, 2018
Tuesday, October 2, 2018
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Show and Tell Day

Rules and Guidelines For Giveaways. Please take the time to read it!
Zasady rozdawajek, bardzo Was przepraszam ale nie dam rady wszystkich tłumaczyć na język polski. Jeśli bierzecie udział w rozdawajkach proszę zapoznajcie się z zasadami w oryginale, a jeśli nie znacie języka angielskiego możecie użyć np tłumacza Google.

- Giveaways offered by sponsors are assigned to the various bloggers for their featured day.
- There are no prior announcements on who is doing which sponsor except to the sponsor themselves.
- You'll have to visit the blog or the featured blog to enter the giveaways.
- Not all giveaways can be entered at Seams To Be Sew.
- I will start announcing winners on September 11, 2018, and finish announcing winners on October 10, 2018.
- In most cases, the blog where you won at also will announce their
- You must give a valid email address when you enter the giveaways, any email returned to me, loses the ability to win automatically.
- With the exception of Show and Tell Day, all giveaways run for approximately one week.
- You are given 3 days to answer the email, if you do not answer within 3 days a new winner will be drawn. Check those spam/junk mail folders, you may miss that winning email if you don't do so because there are no exceptions to this rule.
- If you are notified that you are a winner, in most cases, you will need to provide your name, address, city, state, zip code, country, telephone number, and email address.
- In some cases, you will be asked to comment on the blog to enter the giveaway... do the right thing and thank them for the time it took to create the pattern, thank them for the pattern and...
- Thank the sponsor by buying their products for the giveaways. This helps them continue to offer great prizes for these types of events. You can also comment on their social media pages. Even if you don't win, letting them know you love their products is a huge incentive and they really do love hearing from you.
- No purchase whatsoever is necessary.
- You must be 18+ in order to win a gift.
- You are responsible for claiming and paying any tax owed on the value of any gift that you win. Prizes valued at $500.00 should be claimed.
- All winners are chosen at random.
- All winners will be announced on the blogs via the Rafflecopter entry form and/or post by the blogger at the site where they won and here at Seams To Be Sew. All winners must allow for their first name and first initial of their last name to be announced on this blog.
- Odds of Winning a prize are based on a total number of rafflecopter entries during each week and in total for all giveaways.
- This giveaway is void where prohibited by law.
- Participating bloggers may enter any of the giveaways.
- The word giveaways in the rules and guidelines are also known as sweepstakes.
- Most of the giveaways are international shipping this year in some cases, you will be asked to pay for shipping your giveaways.
- I am not rich and I do not ask sponsors for money, they provide prizes only.
- If they shipped the prize to me, you will be asked to pay for shipping. All giveaways will be shipped that are in my home within 48 hours of my having heard from you.
- An invoice will be sent to you via Paypal, and shipping will take place via Paypal, so your Paypal email will be needed to send the invoice. You will receive a tracking number except for overseas shipments. All shipping will either be first class which averages out at 2.77 to 4.00 up to 13 ounces. Paypal fees are added to that amount to cover that fee. All fabric bundles from Michael Miller, Hoffman, and Moda will be shipped via Priority Mail to protect the fabric itself.
- Please note, every effort is made to protect the prizes. They go into a plastic bin when I receive them, and it is covered by an air tight cover. I have a dog in my home and I have a smoker in my home, so I do everything possible to protect the prizes.
- Most companies are very good about getting prizes off to customers quickly also, but some companies are overseas, so please allow all sponsors a 2-week time period before you report to me that you still haven't received your prize. When the company is overseas, it can take 6 weeks to 90 days for an item to also arrive.
- Whether or not you read the above, the rules for giveaways are in place to protect everyone. I do not want to hear you didn't read them, they will be posted on my blog daily during each featured day. There is no excuse for not reading them.


  1. Beautiful, when my son was younger, he loved lighthouses, and we toured Australia and then the UK to see them. Your quilt would make a perfect memory of times passed. Thank for sharing 😍

  2. Beautiful row! Thank you for sharing your talents!

  3. This is really beautiful and an amazing looking! Thank you for sharing this!

  4. Love lighthouses, thanks for sharing!!!

  5. Oh My gosh, your lighthouse is very nice and thanks for the pattern.

  6. beautiful row, i enjoy lighthouses.we just went to one in south florida. 208 steps to top !! Ponce de Leon lighthouse. thank you for joining the hop, and sharing your beautiful design.

  7. Turned out wonderful. Thank-you so much.

  8. Thank you for sharing your pattern and picture of the beautiful lighthouse.

  9. My husband and I love lighthouses too. We try to visit as many as we can and love to climb to the top for those that allow it. Thanks for the pattern.

  10. Beautiful row - I love lighthouses!

  11. Great row! Lighthouses are special to me too.

  12. Lovely job with the lighthouse! Thanks for taking the time to create and share your great row!!

  13. My daughter-in-law loves lighthouses. Will be doing this for her.

  14. Love this pattern! Thank you for sharing your creativity!

  15. I absolutely ADORE lighthouses!! I have a Pinterest page of nothing but lighthouses!! Thank you so much for taking part in the Row Along! I've always loved paper-piecing, and you do some of the best patterns I've ever seen. Blessings!!

  16. I love this! I have always loved light houses as does my husband! Thank you for this!

  17. Such a wonderful row Block, can’t wait to make it!

  18. your Scottish lighthouse is beautiful!

  19. I love lighthouses. This is a wonderful addition to the row along!

  20. Your row for My Happy Place is spectacular. I like to visit lighthouses, too. There are many around the shores of the state of Michigan, where I live. Thank you very much.

  21. Love lighthouses too!! Used to want to live in one! :) Thank you for sharing your pattern with us all too :D

  22. Thank you so much for sharing your delightful lighthouse. Lighthouses are one of my favorite places to visit. Wish I could visit all those that are still in existence, but I will have to satisfy myself with recreating them in fabric. Thank you for sharing your time, your talent and your creativity. God bless.

  23. My brother-in-law loves light houses, so I am especially delighted to see your beautiful pattern. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  24. Thank you for the lovely pattern that you are sharing with us. Your lighthouse is absolutely stunning.

  25. What a beautiful interpretation of the lighthouse! You captured it perfectly!

  26. What a beautiful row. I love lighthouses! Thank you for joining the row along. It's great to find new inspiration from new to me bloggers.

  27. I'll have to try down loading and printing your beautiful pattern again; some of the templates were "cut off" on my letter-size paper. Thanks for sharing your talents with us!

  28. The first time I lived on the East Coast, I fell in love with lighthouses. I think they are amazing. One of my favorite movies with Shirley Temple was with a lighthouse as part of the movie... I think many people have a love of lighthouses, they are just.. well special and they aren't just a building that does nothing but stand there, they serve a purpose, giving ships in the night a light to see from. You've done a beautiful adaptation of this lighthouse Ula, and I think this is a wonderful row. Of course I love that you joined us again this year for the row along and hope you will come along again next year. Many hugs!!!

  29. Thank you so much for your pattern. Love that lighthouse.

  30. I love the lighthouse. I've already downloaded it.

  31. Whenever we travel near the coast, we are always on the lookout for lighthouses. They are so charming and each is so unique! Your row surely shows that it! *Yes, I do own an embroidery machine! duchick at mchsi dot com

  32. Living on the coast of New England, I am also a fan of lighthouses. Thank you for a great pattern!

  33. Such a lovely lighthouse! Thanks for sharing.

  34. Så smukt et fyrtårn. Mange tak for mønsteret.

  35. This is a beautiful row! I, too, love lighthouses, and this is one I'd never have seen if you hadn't posted a picture of it. Thank you! Print like this is called italics in English. =)

  36. Beautiful, thank you. Trying to gain tips and love this adventure .

  37. I am so happy to have won the Anita Goodesign embroidery CD from your giveaway! Thank you again for a lovely lighthouse pattern.


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